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Maktaba Books – Launch & Tech Dev Team Member

In my previous update, I shared that we were doing some testing, onboarding book owners, and updating our content. Now we’re ready to launch the new setup and we have a new team member, an actual developer. He’s gonna build the 2nd and less clunky version of the new setup 🎉🙌🏽.

The new setup

When we started this, we were running it on Instagram – we had a Google Sheet filled with 400+ books and people had to DM us to borrow the books, it was very manual. Now we have a website for all the books (with photos & summaries) and the borrowing process is all automated using a combination of Telegram bot, Google Forms, Google Sheets, and Integromat.

Maktaba Books website with all the books listed
Our Instagram Story video guide on how to borrow. Done by Izza Haziqah

Promoting the launch

We promoted it organically on Instagram and using Facebook Ads (we had free credits).

Organically, we posted a couple of images on Instagram feed and Instagram stories. To maximise the reach we created a close friends list of all our followers and shared the post directly to them via Instagram messages.

For the paid ads, we were experimenting with placement, creative, copy, and audience targeting. This was mainly to reach new people.

One of the many ad creatives made and managed by Nurhadi Taha

I’m really happy and thankful with where we are, the help we’re getting and the team we have. I’m really glad to have Nurhadi Tahan, Izza Haziqah, and Abdul Aziz with me on the team. Alhamdulillah. Even if this go sideways, it is still a win.

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