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Maktaba Books – First big team meeting

2 days ago we had our first official team meeting. We had a total of 6 people coming down for it – the old team of Izza, Hadi, and me plus our 2 new developers (Aziz & Yusuf) and Farizul, our UX Designer. It was for our Lead Developer to share his ideas for the tech infrastructure of Maktaba Books.

It was really nice to see how we grew from a one-person team to three and now we are a team of six. Alhamdulillah. Everyone seemed to be getting along with each other and were very engaging.

The discussion went well, we mapped out the structure and processes of Maktaba Books. It looks really exciting. 2022 is going to be an interesting year for us.

I look forward to sharing more updates about this.